
Jean Metzinger

Jean Metzinger

If you had long considered that Cubism was all about Picasso, sadly, you have missed out on a lot of other good stuff! ( With all due respect to Picasso btw..)

Introducing Monsieur Jean Metzinger  (1883-1956) who was a theorist, writer, poet, but above all; a masterly painter from Nantes, France. He majored in painting at the Académie des Beaux-Arts under the influence of a conventional style. 

Seeking a rather modern type, he embarked on his own personal venture through a neo-impressionist style which later developed into Cubism and he is reckoned to be one of the founders along with Albert Gleizes and other artists of Section d'or group. 

One can still come across with debates over whether Metzinger deserved the right to be ranked among genuine Cubists such as Picasso. It is not at all perplexing to tell the difference when you look at the paintings by Mr. Jean and Mr. Pablo. 

Be that as it may, I still love losing myself in his work; all full of killer details and colors.

Now please, stare...

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